Film Music used in The Sensation of Sight
(Some of the music has links so you can listen to a sample audio selection)
Rupert Thompson: Original score
Sufjan Stevens: “Tahquamenon Falls”, “Concerning the U.F.O. Sighting Near Highland, Illinois”, “Redford”
Modest Mouse: “Satin in a Coffin”
Half-Handed Cloud: “I Got A-Rested”
Will Oldham: “Sight of Coyote #11″
Damien Jurado: “Ghost in the Snow”
John Ralston: “Fragile”
Liz Janes: “Honeybee”
Danielson: “Ships”
The Singing Mechanic: “Golden Opportunities”
Castanets: “Dancing with Someone”
Ruth Brown: “Walk with Me, Lord”
Jennifer O’Connor: “Today”
Musica Secreta: “Veni Dulcissime Domine”
Modest Mouse: “Satin in a Coffin”

John Ralston: “Fragile”

Jennifer O’Connor: “Today”

Ruth Brown: “Walk With Me” (not really a video, but you do get to hear the song)